Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Search for Wisdom

Matthew 13.47–53

I want us to think this morning about the importance of wisdom.  This morning’s gospel brings to a close a series of readings we’ve been considering about the Kingdom.  Jesus ends his parables with a rather enigmatic phrase.  He says, ‘every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old’.  Jesus is telling his disciples that the wise teacher of faith will use the best of the old knowledge, and combine it with the new, in the task of bringing the Kingdom to pass. Wisdom requires the acquisition and then the wise use of knowledge, both past and present, old and new.

               A key theme of Matthew’s Gospel is that Jesus is the living, breathing personification of Divine Wisdom.    The Hebrew Bible often sings hymns of praise to Divine Wisdom, and, often, wisdom is given a personality.  Take for example, these lines from the first chapter of the book of Proverbs:

Wisdom cries out in the street;

in the squares she raises her voice - {…}

‘How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple?

How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing

and fools hate knowledge?

               I find these lines encouraging.  They remind me that teachers and writers throughout the ages have always despaired of reluctant human beings are to embrace wisdom.  Just like I do.  I despair of the flat earthers, for example, who in the face of overwhelming evidence continue to insist the earth is flat – because the Bible says it has ‘corners’.  I despair of biblical literalists, who insist that the Bible should be read literally.  They fail to understand the genre or different biblical writings, and they discount the work of scholars and commentators, with much greater knowledge.  To give a specific example of what I mean, consider the Creation Story.  We know now, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the world was not created in six days, as one of the creation stories of Genesis suggests.  What are we to do with this knowledge?  Do we throw out the whole Bible, because one of its stories has moved from being read as history towards being understood as myth?  No, of course we don’t.  The wise scribe (as Jesus says) is like the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is old and what is new.  The old – that is the Genesis story of creation – is enriched by the new – that is the findings of science.  It morphs from being inaccurate history, into beautiful and poetic metaphor, teaching us that God is the hand and the power behind the Universe.

Outside of the world of Scripture, by the way, I also despair at those who still refuse to believe that human-made climate change is real!

Human beings have always been subject to spin, fake news, and they have always acted on instinct, rather than fact.  Fools have always hated knowledge.  Perhaps this is because they worry that accepting such knowledge would mean a big change in their life and lifestyle.  Fools detest change, instinctively.  And they have always scoffed at those who do put in the hard work to find out what is true and good and right.  ‘What do these scientists know?’.  ‘Theologians?  Pah!’

               Four and a half centuries before Jesus, there was a famous man in Greece, called Plato.  He was a philosopher – a word made up of two Greek words, ‘philia’, meaning love; and ‘sofia’ meaning wisdom.  A philosopher, then, is simply someone who loves wisdom.    Plato had a tremendous impact on his time, and in the centuries afterwards.  His thinking was widely known, and often quoted.  I would be extremely surprised if Jesus had never heard of him.

               Plato offered the World a simple metaphor for the accumulation of wisdom…the metaphor of a cave.  Imagine, he said, that you were born in a cave, facing the wall.  And that this is the only life you had ever known.  On the wall of the cave in front of you were shadows of things which you believed were real.  Trees, houses, people. This was your whole life.  A tree was just a shadow of a tree.  A house was just a shadow of a house.

               Imagine, then, said Plato, that one day something made you turn around.  To your surprise, you found that there are people standing behind you, who are holding up wooden silhouettes of the trees, the houses, and the people.  Suddenly, your eyes have been opened.  You realise that there is a cause of the shadows.  Your whole world-view has shifted.

               Then, said Plato, imagine that you notice the daylight, shining behind the people with the silhouettes.   Your enquiring mind has been awakened…and so you make your way to the entrance of the cave.  And then, stepping into the sunlight, you find our exactly what a real tree looks like, and a real house, and real people.

               The Cave, suggested Plato, is a metaphor for the quest for Wisdom on which we are all invited.  It is a way of life, which anyone can follow, and it is a component part of Way of Jesus.  And it is a prize worth selling everything you own to possess – just like the pearl of great price, or the treasure hidden in the field of Jesus’ parables.

               But isn’t Jesus talking about the Kingdom of Heaven, not wisdom per se?  Well, yes.  But, the Kingdom of Heaven is first and foremost a place in which Divine Wisdom reigns supreme. 

               It is Divine Wisdom, for example, which teaches us that in giving things away, we accumulate great wealth. 

               It is Divine Wisdom which teaches us that forgiveness is the only way to deal with hatred.

               It is Divine Wisdom which teaches us that God’s voice is often best heard in silence.

               It is Divine Wisdom which teaches us that it is servants who make the best leaders.

               It is Divine Wisdom which gives us a King who has a Cross as his throne.

The Kingdom of Heaven is an upside down place.  There is almost nothing in the Kingdom which feels normal to a society which values hatred, greed, the accumulation of stuff, fake news, celebrity, and worldly power.  That’s why it is such a hard message to communicate to the world.

Wisdom cries out in the street;

in the squares she raises her voice - {…}

‘How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple?

How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing

and fools hate knowledge?


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